Welcome to our family website! We hope this keeps people in better touch with what's going on in our lives, since sometimes LIFE gets far too busy. So feel free to stop by whenever you want and leave a message if you'd like. Take care and May God Bless You the way he's blessed us!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Noah's 1st pictures

AND NOW THERE ARE THREE! Isn't my nightgown cute it matches the wall paper.

Our real life beluga is here finally!

When I was pregnant with Noah I was looking through a pregnancy book and saw a picture of the developmental stage he was at and thought immediately that he looked like a Beluga whale . Jay thought so too so we nicknamed him Beluga. When we went to Sea World we had to buy this Beluga whale for him as his first toy. The toy is as big as him....we know he won't be this little for much longer.

Jay was so excited about dressing up and getting to help the doctor...he ended up taking the scrubs home with him.

Noah LOVES to sleep!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Noah arrived two weeks early...this is him on the day he was due