Marissa's Life

Currently my obsession is planning our 10 day vacation to Hawaii. We are taking a cruise for 7 days around all the islands and staying in Oahu for the rest. We are so excited! After this, possibly, last big vacation for a long time, we are planning on starting a family. We hope it's God's timing we'll keep you posted!
I graduated from Cal State San Bernardino with degrees in Human Dev.(life-span), Psychology and Sociology. I missed school (I can't believe I just said that) so I recently applied and was accepted to Champan University into the Master's of Psychology program. I'm unsure if I'm going to attend only because we plan on starting a family this year and I want to give 100% to my child. So I may start and if I get pregnant I can always continue my education at a later date, we'll see! Our plan is just to pray about it!
We are so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter-in-law. We look forward to a wonderful future for the two most beautiful young adults in the world. We love you both very much. Dad and Mom Watkins
11:30 AM
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