Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Little Einstein

Isaiah Einstein,

The other day we went to Sea World, and you saw the sky tower there. You were so excited you shouted, "It's the Eiffel Tower Daddy!" Every time you saw it, you would shout "The Eiffel Tower, there it is!"

At dinner the other night, Daddy was showing you his Mayan Warrior souvenier that we got from Chichenitza, Mexico. You said, "He's the Great Sphinx. He's going to the Golden Pyramid!"

We were at Bed Bath and Beyond, shopping. We went past the pictures and wall hangings and you saw a picture with Chinese Characters on it. You said with great enthusiasm, "LOOK MOMMY, HIEROGLYPHICS!" A lady in the same aisle looked at me in disbelief, "Did he just say HIEROGLYPHICS? How old is he?" I told her that I have to sometimes remind myself that you are only 2.

Yesterday, Auntie Meredith was playing with you and your toy shark. She asked you where the shark was swimming and you answered, "He's swimming in the gulf stream!"

I think I let you watch too much Little Einsteins. It is your most favorite TV show! I'm so glad you are learning about history and science! I don't think I could teach you about the Eiffel Tower or Hieroglyphics without boring you to tears! Kids these days, they say the darndest things!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Silly boy

Isaiah, we have been talking to you a lot lately about mommy having a baby in her belly, and you becoming a big brother. The other day, after dinner, you pulled up my shirt, touched my belly and said,"Mommy having a baby." Then you looked down at your belly, pulled up your shirt and touched your belly button, and said with glee, "I having a baby too!"