Tuesday, November 22, 2005


The cleaning, the laundry, the dishes... it never stops.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Isaiah eats dog food

It was inevitable. I knew this day would eventually come. Isaiah has been on a mission to get to the dog bowl since he started crawling. To him it must look like the biggest bowl of Cheerios he's ever seen! His favorite is the water bowl. He likes to stick his little hands in there and "water paint" on the tile. I've been successful at putting the bowls up or outside until in time before today. Well this morning after moving him away from the dog bowl and telling him "No, Isaiah, dirty!" I could tell he was going to crawl right back over there. I knew I only had about 5 seconds to put whatever it was I had away. So I go over there to tell Isaiah "NO" again and he's holding 1 piece of dry dog food in his chubby, grubby little hand... AND HE'S CHEWING (or at least gumming)! AGHHHHHHHH! I fished a whole piece of dog food out of his mouth! Thank God it was whole, but who knows if he ate another piece before the one I was able to get out? This is not the first of things I have fished out of Isaiah's mouth, and I'm sure it won't be the last. The funny thing is, he was chewing so happily, I think he liked it! Does dog food taste like Cheerios? I'm not going to try and find out.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What clothes?

Yesterday I noticed an old lady walking down the street, and she was wearing the EXACT same sweater I have hanging in my closet. I am in desperate need to go shopping! Now, maybe she was a really hip old lady, or maybe I'm so far behind in fashion that I share my sense of style with the elderly!
I have nothing but workout clothes that fit me now. I have 3 more months of breastfeeding to go! I can't wait to actually wear a regular bra and REAL clothes again! Now if I only had the money to go shopping...