Thursday, September 29, 2005

baby sick = mommy sick sick

Not just sick for me, heartsick too. It hurts to see your baby so unhappy and not well, but to top it off, I also caught Isaiah's cold. For some reason, I didn't think I would catch it. I somehow thought that during all my kisses and wiping boogers off of Isaiah's face that I was building some kind of supermom immunity. Until last night when I went to bed at 8 pm. I just laid down to "rest my eyes". When I heard Dave plugging in the humidifier for me, and telling me to sit up so I could take some Nyquil. He even tried to put Vicks under my nose, but like a defiant child, I refused. What a sweet husband I have. This morning greeted me with boogers and crusty eyes. Nice. Then I was greeted with more when I went to get Isaiah.
Oh how I miss the days of just lying in bed, drinking tea, and watching tv all day when I was sick. But as "Desperate Housewife" Lynette said to her husband who is now staying at home with the kids, "Being a mom is like being an emergency room doctor, THERE ARE NO DAYS OFF! NOW GET UP!"

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I love you, boogers and all

Isaiah is sick for the first time. He has a cold. Poor little guy. He is just not his happy usual self. But still- snotty nose and all, I still think he is the sweetest baby ever.

Monday, September 26, 2005

My new motto

I've been struggling with keeping up with the laundry and all of the other mundane never-ending chores of housewifery. The endless cycle. Sometimes seeing the clutter or the things undone drives me crazy. But I came across a quote that is my new motto:

"An immaculate house is a sign of a misspent life."
Brilliant. That's right- my life is VERY well spent because my house is FAR from immaculate! All kidding aside, I need to really work on changing my attitude. It's hard to not be frustrated when everything is disheveled and nothing is balanced. But I may just have to deal with the fact that from now on, things may never be in order. My house may never be as clean as it used to be.
Another thing, I wouldn't want my kids or my husband to remember me as a frustrated mom/wife. I want them to remember me as someone who put them first. Not the house. I want to play with Isaiah and not freak out that the furniture is a little dusty. I want enjoy my time with my husband. Yet, I do need to find some balance, and do the important chores. I'm sure I will find it in time. Isaiah is changing by the minute, and so does his and my routine, so it makes it hard to keep focused. For now, I'm just happy to have clean underwear. I guess this will have to be enough!

Monday, September 19, 2005

The blue balloon

Today I saw a balloon for the first time all over again. I love this time in our lives. When everything is new and wonderful to our lil boy. When a blue balloon is the most amazing thing in the world. I can't wait to see, hear and feel other things all over again. I can't wait for the first mud puddle, the first rainbow, the first lick of icecream. The world is all of the sudden a new and lovely place- just waiting to reveal its surprises!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Where can I get one of these outfits?

I just love the Japanese people, with their useless, unusual inventions! This is hilarious- Baby Mops! The description says, "Make your children work for their keep." I can't stop laughing. Do they sell a vacuum version for carpets too? I suppose this would work well on dusting furniture legs too! The possiblilties are endless, waxing the car, washing on the picture to see the complete description.