Monday, April 25, 2005

things I love...

Now that I am a mom, there are certain things I truly appreciate more than I did before.

Drive thru eating. There are times that I would starve if not for the drive thru.

Drive thru ATMs. There are times that I would starve if not for the drive thru ATM... and drive thru fast food.

Shampoo and conditioner in one. Never touched the stuff before. Now it is the greatest thing.

Pants with pockets. Otherwise I would NEVER find my keys.

Big huge mama purse. It hurt me to give up my cute little black purse. But I can't live without my giant holds everything purse.

Buffets- we used to go to fancy steak and seafood houses- now we go to The Sizzler.

Target- is there any other store?

Parking next to the shopping cart space. I used to park as far away from the carts as possible to avoid one potentially getting away from someone and dinging my car. Now I feel like I hit the jackpot when there's a space right next to the carts! That car seat is heavy!

The Sunday paper- I practically jump for joy when I find coupons for diapers!

The carpool lane! Whoo hoo! Here we come!

But the one thing I appreciate more than ever- my mom. I never knew how hard it was, and how much you sacrifice to be a mother. Happy Mothers day to all you Mothers out there. It truly is the hardest job in the world, but also the most rewarding.

Isaiah and Ama

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

My life is all about poop!

Our boy doesn't stop pooping! And we can't seem to stop talking about it either! Poop's the word at our house- what color is it? was it a lot? how many times today? was it chunky or runny? This child has some powerful bowels, so powerful that he was pooping out of his diaper every morning. I'm surprised his diaper doesn't fly off sometimes, it is such an explosion! I fully expect to walk into his room one morning to see him levitating from his rocket powered poops! I have finally found a solution- double diapers! I use one smaller and one larger on top of that one. It seems to hold it all in! It is quite a relief from washing him off and his clothes and his sheet every morning!

All poop aside, Isaiah is just a joy to our lives! He is such a sweet, mellow, happy baby. His smile fixes everything- even if you are having the worst day. We have been dealing with GER or Gastro - Esophogeal - Reflux (basically acid reflux for babies) since he's been born and we have our good and bad days. But he only complains when he is in pain. Poor little one. We both said we wish we could feel the pain for him. It is agony to see your innocent little angel hurting so much.