Now that Isaiah is 14 months old, I feel like he is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong in a lot of situations. I have been trying to discipline him, but it has not been easy! He tests me every chance he gets! The little bugger! It's so hard to be consistent and sometimes it is heartbreaking to be strict. But I cannot give up! I know that discipline is one of the ultimate forms of love and I have to keep reminding myself of that! This email was sent to me in perfect timing in regards to discipline. Thank you Lord!
Don't let a bad attitude dissuade you from what's best for your child. As parents, we often want to make our children happy. We want them to feel good and have fun, but sometimes they need to experience the pain of their wrong choices. Allowing them to experience the discomfort of discipline can be a very loving thing to do.
So, when you need to discipline your child, and that child responds poorly, remember that discipline is not intended to be fun. Although you want to look for creative ways to teach and make learning a joy, sometimes a child needs to experience a negative consequence to learn a lesson. Expect some resistance, but persevere because you know that what you're doing is best for your child. The discipline is a valuable part of your child's growth. There'll be other times to make your child happy. When your children are having a hard time accepting correction, remember that their immediate response is not an indication of the effectiveness of the discipline. You are disciplining for long-term benefit. This truth can help you persevere. It can be quite freeing when parents recognize that discipline is unpleasant and that children often won't respond with gratefulness. Sometimes parenting isn't pleasant but discipline is a necessary part of the job.
Remember that Hebrews 12:11 says, "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
All I can say is be persistant and follow through. Never discipline out of anger, only out of love. You will see their little hearts change - it's amazing. Oh, and hug a lot! Lots of hugs :)
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