I'm at a loss for something truly interesting to post today- but I haven't posted for awhile so I thought I would tell you something you might not know about me.
I used to own a Tarantula. I loved her. It was way back when Dave and I first lived together in Pomona. I didn't have Oscar and Mayer (my weenie dogs-living with my mom then) with me then, and I so missed having a pet. I wanted a new puppy so bad, but Dave said no. We were living in a tiny condo then- and we had no yard. I would go to the pet store and just stare longingly at the sweet lil pups, so tempted to just buy one (not that I could afford one from a puppy mill) anyway. Then, I spotted her- a beautiful Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula. She was cheap too, so I bought her. I was so excited- I brought her straight to Blockbuster. This was one of many of Dave's jobs then- he always had more than one, and he also was going to DeVry full time. I told him, "Dave, I did it, I bought something I really wanted." He just looked at me with a strange look. "It's small, and fuzzy and brown." "YOU didn't!" he said. I went out to the car and brought her in. The other customers in the store looked at me like I was looney. "WHY WOULD YOU WANT SUCH A THING!" some random stranger said. Dave smiled.
Chloe was the cutest, fuzziest little spider. I was never scared of her. Tarantulas are actually fascinating creatures. They are misunderstood, like snakes. She never bit me or used her venom. They are solita
ry creatures (like Betta fish) that can become tame. She would sit on my knee and we would watch TV. She would crawl from my hand to my shoulder. I loved her. She would molt every few months and make herself a twin sister. She grew to be the size of a deck of cards. I would let her walk around the house sometimes (of course I always watched her). After a few years, I got so busy I couldn't take care of her. Tarantulas are pretty high maintenance. She ate LIVE crickets. Crickets are dirty little things- they bring mites and all sorts of nastiness. I ended up giving her away to a friend who gave her to her cousin's sister's brother. Or something like that. I wonder if she is still alive today. Female tarantulas live about 20 years.
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