Saturday, May 30, 2009 

Our new diggs!

We are finally in our new place and loving it! Having the house on the market, keeping it perfectly clean, selling, packing and moving with kids was SUPER STRESSFUL! We're happy to say that part of our lives is over! Although we will miss Encinitas, we know we'll still keep in touch with the friends we've made there since we're not too far away. Isaiah will still be attending the same preschool so we're very happy about that. The new place is great! We love the house- having a real backyard, driveway and neighborhood. The elementary school is one street up and the fire station is just half a block away. The kids spend LOTS of time outside. Isaiah has a blast running through the sprinklers and Lilianna has been spending lots of time at the water table. God is good. We are closer to the beach and closer to Dave's work!

So if you haven't heard, we didn't end up moving back to Murrieta as we originally planned. Although, we ARE closer to family- but only about 15 minutes. We just couldn't deal with the 2 hour (each way-over the Ortega Highway) commute that Dave would have to make, so we decided to move further North but stay in San Diego. We are in South Oceanside- just bordering Carlsbad! We've been very busy unpacking, organizing and getting settled, so we haven't really had a chance to explore our town. We're looking forward to new adventures in the coming weeks. We went to a little donut shop for breakfast this morning and then drove down for a quick walk on the pier. It was June Gloom as usual in San Diego, but we've learned to love it! Dave and Isaiah can't wait to go fishing on the pier soon!

We're looking forward to the summer in South O'side! I'll be backtrack blogging and filling in w/some photos for some previous posts. I keep promising photos and breaking promises!

Thursday, May 28, 2009 

Goin' on a strawberry hunt...

We went to the Carlsbad strawberry fields again this year for one of Isaiah's fieldtrips last month! So much fun! Did you know that the Upick field in Carlsbad is not sprayed with pesticides? What a relief to this paranoid mom! There were plenty of free tastings for all!

Monday, May 25, 2009 

My big 4 year old.

My big boy went to the dentist for the very first time. I couldn't believe how well he did! He LOVED it! He was so patient and happy to be there! He got his teeth scraped and all the sugar bugs out!

I can't believe how big he is. How did my little peanut turn into a boy who can write his name and sleep on a bunkbed?

Isaiah likes to draw pictures all of the sudden. He hated anything having to do with picking up a writing instrument until recently. His drawings are pretty funny! I especially love his drawings of his sister. They are so funny! She is very round and squat! LOL

Sometimes he has me write little notes too.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009 

A quick update

All are healthy finally! We figured out that Lily has some kind of food allergy and are suspecting dairy. This is probably the culprit of her constant ear infections! We got labs done and will know for sure in about a week.
We have been very very busy! We sold the house! So we are packing it up and looking for a new place to call home! We're very excited about this next chapter in our lives.
Pictures to come: Kids in the strawberry fields and Isaiah's first dental appt.
