Sunday, February 22, 2009 

Partying HARD

Kid partying that is! We have 3 birthday parties this weekend! Lots of fun. Lots of cake. Too much temptation and sugar!

Perhaps one of my favorite things about kid's birthday parties are when they have pinatas. I just love how as parents we're always telling our kids, "no hitting" or "put that stick down"! But then, at parties, we actually line them up and encourage the violence. I like how the younger preschool kids always look a little confused and bewildered. Isaiah looks at me like, "really? I'm not going to get in trouble?" and then he hits it very carefully at first... just to test the waters. By his 5th whack he's just getting into it! And all the parents are like "yeah, hit it hard!"

This must be SUPER confusing to the preschool set. You know they're thinking "WTF? You mean it's okay to try to beat this thing to a pulp and I'm not going to get in trouble? What?!? You're saying if I hit it hard enough candy will fall out of it!?!"

Then you get that slightly older kid at the end of the line. They have a little more experience. They know they're not going to get in trouble and they're ready for some candy. They have a different look on their face. It's a look of pure determination. They know all the other kids are counting on them to show them how it's done. Then, Eureka! It usually only takes a few whacks for the older ones and Mickey Mouse has a huge hole in his head. This is a little confusing for the younger ones, you kind of see a sad and shocked look on their faces because all the adults are actually CHEERING that Dora the Explorer looks like she's been in a bad car accident.

But the dismay only lasts for a split second because moments later, candy is magically falling from the gaping wound. This part is also very confusing and so parallel to the real world where we try to discourage chaos. Isaiah always looks at me for a second when this happens because he's been taught not to grab! "Share! Don't just take without asking!" It's like imprinted on his brain (not that he's the best at it). All the adults (including me) are like- "Get some! Get some and put it in your bag! HURRY before it's all gone! Get a kit kat for me!" Then when they come back with their loot, we further encourage the violence and selfishness by saying, "GREAT JOB, look at all the candy you got!" LOL.

I love it. It's like a total escape from reality! I mean, it's not REALLY a party until you get to beat up your favorite character, eat its insides, AND get praised for it. GOOD STUFF. I'm going to get myself a pinata for my birthday!
UPDATE: by party #3 Isaiah had become totally acclimated to hitting the pinata. Actually at party #2 he knocked the head off of My Little Pony and was heavily praised for it by his dad. They had to hang it back up by the neck because there was no candy in the head. By party #3 he had no hesitation and was whacking away full boar. His dad yelled out- "Knock the head off!" He didn't quite do it again, but all his hesitation was gone. Once the candy was out, he practically dove to get it. Yeah, he's pro now. Lily didn't even want to touch the stick, and actually cried when she saw the head knocked off at party #3. But shoving chocolate in her mouth helped melt away the pain!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 

Christmas with Family

Yes, my left eye is EXTREMELY red... as I was still recovering from the Lasik!

Friday, February 13, 2009 

Santa's Lap

It's okay to laugh... we think it's pretty darn funny! Sorry Lily- but it must be done for posterity.


The Living Nativity




Ornaments 2008


Back Tracking...

I'm going to be back tracking from Christmas so my posts will be all wacky and out of order! I need to pause time so I can catch up! I decided to try and throw some digi-scraps together- I'm trying to focus on getting things done and not being so perfectionist or too detail oriented! SIMPLIFY and GET IT DONE!!! Anyway- some might be redundant because I take a lot of my journaling straight from the blog...hopefully I'll get all the way to Isaiah's birthday before his next!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009 


Legoland Midnight (6pm)

OH BOY. I am SO SO FAR BEHIND on my blogging. It's been a little crazy. Well, I never finished my Christmas post, New Years, Isaiah's 4th birthday came and went and now we are approaching Valentine's day.... this winter has been full of sickness. Lily is dealing with double ear infections right now. Poor babe. PLUS all three of our cameras broke in January. SERIOUSLY, one right after another. Two are finally repaired so I can shoot again! I have lots to get to and hopefully will update soon. I haven't forgotten!
