Saturday, May 17, 2008 

Preschool Shots

This is long overdue, but I have finally uploaded Isaiah's preschool photos. Forgive my one handed focusing and awkward composition on some of them! Many times I was trying to juggle holding Lily and the camera at the same time!

Here are a few, but if you would like to see more photos (over 200) of his fieldtrips and class you can check out my flickr site at You can click on the sidebar for specific fieldtrips or just view the photostream for all pictures. If you are a parent of the preschool, feel free to download any of the pictures from flickr by clicking on the picture (once you are in the flickr website) and choosing the size of the download you would like! If you have a flickr account, please add me to your contacts! Email me at if you have questions.

Strawberry Fields


Butterfly Vivarium


Dave's HDR

Been meaning to post these cool shots that Dave took on our Hawaii trip! He's been playing around with the camera and I think these are pretty amazing!

Waikiki after twilight

Byodo-In Temple

Green Sea Turtle at Lani's beach on North Shore

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 

Me and my two teeth

Lil now has 2 teeth! She sprouted tooth #1 in Hawaii and soon after we came home #2 poked out! Lily is so active now, eating by herself (she's addicted to organic cheerios), crawling like a maniac, pulling up, standing, talking, signing (eat, more, mama), clapping, waving, singing, roaring and growling (back at her brother), laughing, laughing and laughing... all the time. There's never a dull moment in the Sanchez family.
I am soooo backed up in posting- this spring has been so busy! Isaiah has been enjoying school so much! We've gone on several fieldtrips that I have yet to post so hopefully they will be done soon. We're having a blast at school and he's learning so much! He loves sounding out letters and is always telling me what letter things start with and what rhymes with what.
It is truly a wonderful time in our lives. As crazy as it is, as busy as we are, and as much as I need a nap...we are really enjoying our family!
